S U M M A R YW e propose a new method for the simultaneous measurement of P -and S-wave attentuation by extending the conventional coda-normalization method which had been limited to the estimation of S-wave attenuation. Using this method, we measured frequency-dependent attenuation of both P a n d S waves in the lithosphere beneath the Kanto area, Japan, from seismograms of 174 local earthquakes for the frequency range 1.5 5 f 5 24 Hz. T h e values of Q;' and Q;' corresponding t o peak amplitude decays show strong frequency dependence, a n d are expressed by using power laws Q,' = 0.012f-')73 and Qp' = 0.031f~0Y5, respectively. T h e ratio Qp'/Q.;' is found t o be larger than unity for the whole frequency range. The apparent attenuations of P and S waves with travel distance are almost the same for frequencies higher than 1 Hz. Our results differ from the characteristics of low-frequency wave attenuation reported by other studies for frequencies lower than 1 Hz. This frequency dependence and the ratio may suggest that scattering loss due t o random heterogeneities in the earth medium plays an important role in seismic-wave attenuation in the lithosphere.