Background: The purpose of the research was to improve fine motor skills in children, girls with Down Syndrome between 4 to 9 years of age. It aims at optimizing their activities of daily living and obtaining a certain degree of functional independence. Objective: The implementation of Multisensory Stimulation for fine motor skills in Down Syndrome. Methods: This research was descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative. A Pre and Post evaluation was applied using the Graphomotor Test, the Denver Test, the Goddard Test and the Fine Motor Calculation. It was based on the Technical Guidelines for Down Syndrome care of the Ministry of Health of El Salvador. The execution of Multisensory Stimulation was carried out in the Snoezelen Rooms with their respective activities. Results: An improvement in fine motor skills was observed after the application of Multisensory Stimulation and the different activities in the Snoezelen Rooms. Conclusions: The investigation was verified by means of the Shapiro-Wilk test taking into account the degrees of freedom (p≥0.05) H0 was accepted, where Multisensory Stimulation does improve fine motor skills in Down Syndrome. It allows boys/girls to have a better grip on their thenar clamp, which facilitates the different daily activities.