We study the influence of the generation conditions on the group delay of attosecond pulses in high-order harmonic generation in gases. The group delay relative to the fundamental field is found to decrease with increasing gas pressure in the generation cell, reflecting a temporal walk-off due to the dispersive properties of the nonlinear medium. This effect is well reproduced using an on-axis phase-matching model of high-order harmonic generation in an absorbing gas. The nonlinear interaction between a focused high-power laser beam and a gas target generates broadband light bursts emitted once every half cycle of the driving field [1,2]. In the spectral domain, the half-cycle periodicity and symmetry properties of the target gas result in peaks centered at the odd-order harmonics of the driving pulse carrier frequency. The large bandwidth combined with the coherence of the process, inherited from the generating field, yields pulses with a time duration on the attosecond scale [3,4]. The intrinsic synchronization of the attosecond pulses with the generating field [5] allows for pump-probe experiments on an ultrafast time scale. By cross correlating the attosecond pulse train (APT) with a weak copy of the generating pulse in a detection gas, while monitoring the generated photoelectron spectrum, the phase difference between consecutive harmonic orders can be extracted [5]. Combined with a measurement of the relative spectral amplitudes, this information allows for a reconstruction of the average time structure of the pulses in the train. This is the well-known RABITT scheme (reconstruction of attosecond beating by interference of two-photon transition) for characterization of APTs.This technique has recently gained a lot of interest since the comparison of RABITT measurements in different systems, for example, different atomic shells, allows for the determination of their relative photoionization delays [6]. These experiments demand high interferometric stability, on the order of tens of attoseconds, and require control of the timing of the attosecond pulses relative to the fundamental field. In some early implementations of the RABITT scheme [5,7,8], the probe pulse and the generation pulse were both propagated through the generation medium, making it possible to encode the phase relation between the generating and the probing field into the recorded electron spectrogram, but at the same time perturbing the regularity of the pulse train.In this work, we perform RABITT measurements using an actively stabilized interferometer. We present an experimental study of the group delay of the attosecond pulses relative to the generating field as a function of the gas density in the generation cell. Our results show that the detected pulse train advances by almost 200 as, relative to the fundamental field, as the pressure is increased by a factor of three. This observation is interpreted as a temporal walk-off of the attosecond pulses due to dispersion in the medium and simulated using an on-axis phase-matching model.The e...