We present a novel time-and phase-resolved, background-free scheme to study the extreme ultraviolet dipole emission of a bound electronic wavepacket, without the use of any extreme ultraviolet exciting pulse. Using multiphoton transitions, we populate a superposition of quantum states which coherently emit extreme ultraviolet radiation through free induction decay. This emission is probed and controlled, both in amplitude and phase, by a time-delayed infrared femtosecond pulse. We directly measure the laser-induced dephasing of the emission by using a simple heterodyne detection scheme based on two-source interferometry. This technique provides rich information about the interplay between the laser field and the Coulombic potential on the excited electron dynamics. Its background-free nature enables us to use a large range of gas pressures and to reveal the influence of collisions in the relaxation process.Transient Absorption Spectroscopy (TAS) in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) range is a powerful technique for ultrafast dynamical studies, from the gas phase [1][2][3] to the solid state [4,5]. The recent progress of attosecond science has made the extension of TAS to the attosecond regime (ATAS) a reality. In the past few years, different configurations of ATAS experiments have emerged. In the first and most intuitive scheme, the XUV attosecond pulses probe a sample that has been pre-excited by an infrared (IR) pump laser pulse. This scheme was for instance used to follow the ultrafast coherent hole dynamics initiated in strong-field ionized krypton [1]. In the second arrangement, the XUV and IR pulses are temporally overlapped. The XUV absorption thus probes the IR-dressed atomic or molecular states, allowing the observation of light-induced states [6,7] as well as sub-cycle AC-Stark-shifts [8]. Finally, in what turned out to be the most widely used scheme, the XUV pulse comes first and serves as a pump, exciting a broadband superposition of quantum states through single-photon absorption. The wavepacket relaxes by coherently emitting XUV radiation (called XUV Free Induction Decay, XFID) that interferes with the incident light. A delayed IR laser field is used to follow or control the relaxation dynamics, such that these experiments can be seen as Transient Reshaping of the Absorption spectrum of the XUV light (TRAX) [9,10].In TRAX experiments, the delayed IR laser pulse has three main effects on the XFID emission ( Fig. 1) : (i) Damping of the emission by ionization of the excited states. This effect induces a lowering and a spectral broadening of the absorption features [2]. (ii) Field coupling of different electronic states, leading to population transfers. The resulting amplitude reshaping of the electronic wavepacket can be detected through temporal beatings in the absorption signal, as demonstrated in atoms [9,10] and molecules [11,12]. (iii) Phase shift induced by the Stark-shift of the excited states. This laser-induced phase was shown to enable full control over the absorption lineshapes, from Lorentz ...