“…culture shock (Stauss and Mang, 1999), perceived discrimination (Barker and Härtel, 2004), cross-cultural interaction comfort (Paswan and Ganesh, 2005), consumer ethnocentrism (Javalgi and Martin, 2007;Sharma et al, 2005;Ueltschy et al, 2007), perceived cultural distance, interaction comfort, inter-role congruence, intercultural competence (Sharma et al, 2009(Sharma et al, , 2012 Antecedents of customer and employee perceptions and behaviours in intercultural service encounters e.g. attentiveness (Lee, 2015), acculturation behaviours (Gaur et al, 2017) and linguistic choices of frontline service employees (Zolfagharian et al, 2018), language homophily between customers and employees (Pezzuti et al, 2018), perceived cultural distance and customer participation (Ang et al, 2018), customer-employee (mis)match and cultural vs non-cultural attributions (Sichtmann and Micevski, 2018), Intercultural competence and customer facial recognition (Henderson et al, 2018), Technology readiness and consumer socialization of teenagers (Mishra et al, 2018), religiosity and consumer choice of fitness services (Summers et al, 2018), impact of service models and culture on work behaviours (Mathies and Wong, 2018) Moderators of customer and employee perceptions and behaviours in intercultural service encounters e.g. service role and outcome , consumer ethnocentrism and intercultural competence (Sharma and Zhan, 2015), intercultural communication competence (Ihtiyar and Ahmad, 2015) and personal cultural orientations (Sharma et al, 2016) Mediators of customer and employee perceptions and behaviours in intercultural service encounters e.g.…”