Cytogenetic and fluorescence in situ hybridization studies were successfully performed in 217 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). In all, 13 patients with 6q21 deletion were identified and characterized in comparison with 92 patients with 'favourable' karyotype (normal or 13qÀ), 69 cases with 'intermediate risk'(1-2 anomalies) and 43 cases with 'unfavourable' karyotype (complex, 11qÀ or 17pÀ). Six out of 13 cases with 6qÀ showed an excess of atypical lymphocytes, a finding confirmed at the histologic level; 420% CD38 þ cells were seen in 5/6 cases. IGVH mutational status revealed 498% homology to the germline sequence in 4/10 cases. When compared with the 'favourable' group, patients with 6qÀ showed a higher white blood cell (WBC) count, frequent splenomegaly, atypical morphology, CD38 þ and short time from diagnosis to first treatment and short survival. A higher median WBC count was found in the 6qÀ group vs the intermediate-risk group; survival was shorter in the unfavourable group. To ascertain if the 6qÀ anomaly was an independent factor predicting for an inferior outcome among those patients with 'favourable' cytogenetics, we performed an analysis of prognostic factors in 105 patients (92 'favourable' plus 13 with 6qÀ), showing that the 6qÀ chromosome maintained its prognostic significance at multivariate analysis (P ¼ 0.02) along with stage (P ¼ 0.01). We conclude that CLL with 6qÀ is characterized by a high incidence of atypical morphology, classical immunophenotype with CD38 positivity and intermediate incidence of IGVH somatic hypermutation. Clinicobiological features and outcome show that this cytogenetic subset of CLL should be allocated in an intermediate-risk category.