In Al-Qur'an, which is the holy book for Muslims, hijaiyah letters function as a letter to form a word, just like in Indonesia, where alphabet letters are used to form a word. Therefore, many Muslims from adults to children learn how to read hijaiyah letters properly and correctly so that they can properly perform their prayers. Current technological developments can provide a variety of innovations in the world of education, one of which is a learning method that uses augmented reality technology that can bring up images of three-dimensional objects that are considered more interactive and effective in the learning process of children. This can help children understand learning materials more easily and be fun. In this study, the design of the Arfabics application for the introduction of hijaiyah letters using augmented reality technology will provide a fun new experience for children in their learning process of recognizing hijaiyah letters. This application is designed using the main software Unity 3D, Vuforia SDK, and using the Marker Based Tracking method. This research aims to improve children's visual understanding of hijaiyah letters by using three-dimensional augmented reality technology and make children more interested and happy in learning hijaiyah letters.