Heading toward next-generation intelligent display, dynamic control capability for meta-devices is critical for real world applications. Beyond the conventional electrical/optical/mechanical/thermal tuning methods, liquid immersion recently has emerged as a facile tuning mechanism which is easily accessible (especially water) and practically implementable for large tuning area. However, due to the longstanding and critical drawback of lacking independent-encoding capability, the state-of-art immersion approach remains incapable of pixel-level programmable switching. Here a water-immersion tuning scheme with pixel-scale programmability for dynamic meta-displays is proposed. Tunable meta-pixels can be engineered to construct spectral selective patterns at prior-/post-immersion states, such that a metasurface enables pixel-level transforming animations for dynamic multifield meta-displays, including near-field dual-nanoprints and far-field dual-holographic displays. The proposed water-immersion programmable approach for meta-display, benefitting from its large tuning area, facile operation and strong repeatability, may find a revolutionary path toward next-generation intelligent display with practical applications in dynamic display/encryption, information anticounterfeit/storage, and optical sensors.