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Abstract:The traditional way to measure the active management of a fund is to calculate its tracking error: as measured by the standard deviation of the difference in a fund's returns versus its benchmark returns. However, tracking error alone is an inadequate measure of fund activity since even very actively managed funds can in fact generate rather low tracking errors. Therefore judging the activity level of a fund based solely on tracking error can be misleading. In addition, while tracking error volatility is easy to calculate it only infers what the manager is doing at the portfolio level and does tell you how the tracking errors were generated. For instance, Cremers and Petajisto (2009) argue that the two distinct approaches to active management, stock selection or factor risk, can produce significantly different tracking errors.Instead of using tracking error alone Cremers and Petajisto (2009) suggest that a more comprehensive picture of active management can be achieved by including Active Share into the calculations, where the Active Share of the fund is measured as half the sum of the absolute difference between the fund's holdings and those of the benchmark portfolio. In other words, Cremers and Petajisto (2009) claim that using Active Share and tracking error together enables investors to distinguish between the types of active management used by funds, stock selection and factor risk, and so classify funds by their investment management strategy: pure indexes, closet indexes, diversified stock pickers, concentrated stock pickers, and factor bets.