Spatial modeling can identify locations with high or low risk of disease effect, but it cannot explain the temporal shift in risk, which may be as relevant or more important. As a result, mapping modeling should consider both geographical and temporal components. Some research has utilized Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Conditional Autoregressive (BST CAR) models. However, no research has been conducted on using BST CAR Localized model for poverty on Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. This research aims to find the best BST CAR localized model for poverty in 81 regencies/cities on Sulawesi Island. The BST CAR localized model with different number of clusters G=2, G=3, and G=5 was used to model the relative risk (RR) of poverty in each of 81 regencies and cities. The results suggest that BST CAR Localized with G=2 is the best model for modeling the relative risk of poverty on Sulawesi Island. Variables such as Gender Development Index (IPG), Women's Income Contribution (SPP), Adjusted Per Capita Expenditure (PKD), and Human Development Index (IPM) have a significant impact on poverty. SPP has a positive influence on poverty, while the other three components have a negative impact.