Cancer stages, which summarizes extent of cancer progression, is an important tool for evidence-based medical research. However, they are not always recorded in the electronic medical record. In this paper, we describe work for annotating a medical text corpus with the goal of predicting patient level liver cancer staging in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients.Our annotation consisted of identifying 11 parameters, used to calculate liver cancer staging, at the text span level as well as at the patient level. Also at the patient level, we annotated stages for three commonly-used liver cancer staging schemes. Our inter-rater agreement showed text annotation consistency 0.73 F1 for partial text match and 0.91 F1 at the patient level.After annotation, we performed several document classification experiments for the text span annotations using standard machine learning classifiers, including decision trees, maximum entropy, naive Bayes and support vector machines. Thereby, we identified baseline performances for our task at 0.63 F1 as well as strategies for future improvement.