What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial intelligence, described simply, is the ability of a computer to mimic the intellectual intelligence unique to humans. This type of intelligence includes qualities such as the ability to link events to specific causes, make generalizations, and learn from experience. 1 As a general public notion, the term is used to describe devices that can provide a reason for a certain phenomenon, develop strategies, make judgments about situations, and have the ability to learn. However, there are ongoing controversies regarding the level and reliability of this intelligence. 2 Many different theories on how to evaluate machine intelligence have been proposed. The most famous of these is the Turing test, which was put forward in 1950 by Alan Turing, an English mathematician, computer scientist, and cryptologist. Artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly and making its way into all areas of our lives. This review discusses developments and potential practices regarding the use of artificial intelligence in the field of ophthalmology, and the related topic of medical ethics. Various artificial intelligence applications related to the diagnosis of eye diseases were researched in books, journals, search engines, print and social media. Resources were cross-checked to verify the information. Artificial intelligence algorithms, some of which were approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, have been adopted in the field of ophthalmology, especially in diagnostic studies. Studies are being conducted that prove that artificial intelligence algorithms can be used in the field of ophthalmology, especially in diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and retinopathy of prematurity. Some of these algorithms have come to the approval stage. The current point in artificial intelligence studies shows that this technology has advanced considerably and shows promise for future work. It is believed that artificial intelligence applications will be effective in identifying patients with preventable vision loss and directing them to physicians, especially in developing countries where there are fewer trained professionals and physicians are difficult to reach. When we consider the possibility that some future artificial intelligence systems may be candidates for moral/ethical status, certain ethical issues arise. Questions about moral/ethical status are important in some areas of applied ethics. Although it is accepted that current intelligence systems do not have moral/ethical status, it has yet to be determined what the exact the characteristics that confer moral/ethical status are or will be.