Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a new type of elemental analytical technology with the advantages of real-time, online, and noncontact as well as enabling the simultaneous analysis of multiple elements. It has become a frontier analytical technique in spectral analysis. However, the issue of how to improve the accuracy of qualitative and quantitative analyses by extracting useful information from a large amount of complex LIBS data remains the main problem for the LIBS technique. Chemometrics is a chemical subdiscipline of multi-interdisciplinary methods; it offers advantages in data processing, signal analysis, and pattern recognition. It can solve some complicated problems that are difficult for traditional chemical methods. In this paper, we reviewed the research progress of chemometrics methods in LIBS for spectral data preprocessing as well as for qualitative and quantitative analyses in the most recent 5 years (2012-2016).
KEYWORDSchemometrics, data preprocessing, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis
| INTRODUCTIONAs one of the most promising analytical tools in the 21st century, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a novel analytical technique for materials and elements; it is based on atomic emission spectroscopy and a laser as an excitation source. 1-4 In LIBS, a low-energy pulse laser (typically tens to hundreds of millijoules per pulse) generated from a laser device is reflected by a plane mirror and focused by a plano-convex lens onto the sample surface; a laser-induced plasma with high temperature is then generated. The light with different frequencies is radiated during the plasma cooling process, and it is collected by an optical fiber coupled to a spectrometer. The qualitative and quantitative analyses by the LIBS technique can be performed using the wavelength and integrated intensity of the spectral line. A schematic diagram of the LIBS instrument is presented in Figure 1. It consists of Nd:YAG laser, optical part, X-Y-Z manual micrometric stage, optical fiber, spectrometer, Charge coupled device (CCD) camera, and computer.The LIBS technology has benefited from the invention of the ruby crystal laser 5 and was first reported by Brech and Cross. 6 It has become a research focus in the spectral field with the development of laser and optical detection techniques. Compared with conventional analytical tools, LIBS demonstrates some substantial advantages with regards to being rapid, real-time, on-site, and nondestructive while allowing remote detection without complicated sample preparation procedures as well as simultaneous multicomponent analysis. 7-9 Because of these advantages, LIBS technology has been widely used in process analysis and in the control of industrial manufacturing, food supervision, environmental monitoring, historical relic identification, and space exploration. [10][11][12][13] The National Aeronautics and