DEFiNiENS is a new innovation oriented German company which developed a powerful image analysis software, eCognition. One of the cu rrent research projects within the company is to expand the capabilities of eCognition for SAR information extraction. These developments will help remote sensing on its way from a research oriented to an operational technology with commercial benefit. To support this development, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) co-funds the project ProSmart II and therein the sub-project OSCAR (object oriented segmentation and classification of advanced SAR data). In OSCAR, DEFiNiENS improves the suitability of eCognition for automatic information extraction and validates the results together with ProSmart II partners on exemplary applications.
OSCAR IN PROSMART IIThe possibilities of remote sensing for many applications become visible more and more for "scanning the present and resolving the future" for scientific approaches. However, automatic information extraction for operational use is still in the very beginning. This is important to increase the public awareness for the advantages of remote sensing.Three main requirements have to be fulfilled for operational remote sensing: 1) reliable, periodical data delivery of sufficient and constant quality. Due to atmospheric disturbances this is hardly possible with optical data. Commercial entities such as infoterra -an Asrtium company -have therefore decided to develop a SAR satellite, TerraSAR, which should be launched in 2005; 2) delivery of appropriate information instead of a huge amount of data. For commercial use excellent quality of information extraction has to be maintained, and automatic methods have to be applied to allow sufficient throughput and to decrease information costs for the customer. 3) fusion of data and information, because no sensor data alone will be sufficient to achieve the required information quality for all considered applications.ProSmart II started in October 2000 and lasts until April 2002. It is a project to prepare operational product generation from TerraSAR data. Suitable information products have to be identified, requirements for data and algorithms specified and reliable and stable methods for information extraction developed. Precision farming, forestry and urban mapping with focus on change detection have been identified as important fields for demonstration projects. DLR's airborne SAR, E-SAR delivers polarimetric SAR data in high resolution and quality and in simulated TerraSAR quality. Those project partners, who are responsible for application development, map ground measurements to the data. Several comp anies including DEFiNiENS and universities work together as innovation and technology partners. They adapt segmentation algorithms and automatic classification to SAR, consider overall automation of the process, investigate possible synergy of the methods, and study embedding of all the developed algorithms in an upgraded ERDAS IMAGINE or prepare close interaction with ERDAS environment.Technology dev...