As technology scales and frequencies increase, a new hybrid design style emerges, wherein designs contain a mixture of random logic and datapath standard-cell components. This paper demonstrates that conventional half-perimeter wirelength driven placers underperform in terms of regularity and Steiner wirelength (StWL) for such hybrid designs. In addition, the quality gap between manual and automatic placement is more pronounced as the designs become more datapath oriented. To effectively handle hybrid designs, this paper proposes a new unified placement flow that simultaneously places random logic and datapath cells. This flow is built on the top of a leading academic force-directed placer and significantly improves the quality of datapath placement while leveraging the speed and flexibility of existing random-logic placement algorithms. It consists of a suite of novel global and detailed placement techniques, collectively called structure-aware placement techniques (SAPT). These techniques effectively integrate alignment constraints into placement, thereby overcoming the deficiencies of existing randomlogic placers when handling designs with embedded datapaths. Compared to other state-of-the-art placers, SAPT improves total StWL by more than 28% and total routing overflow by over six times on the ISPD 2011 datapath benchmark suite. In addition, it improves total StWL by 5.8% on industrial hybrid designs.