As the World Wide Web grows at an unprecedented pace, web page genre identification has recently attracted increasing attention because of its importance in web search. A common approach for genre identification is to utilize textual features that can be extracted directly from the web page itself, i.e., On-Page features. The extracted features are subsequently given to a machine learning algorithm that will perform classification. However, these approaches may not be e↵ective when the web page contains limited textual information (e.g., full of images). In this paper, we tackle the genre identification of web pages in such situation. We propose a framework that not only uses On-Page features, but also takes into account information in neighboring pages, i.e., the pages that are connected to the original page by backward and forward links. We first introduce a graph-based model called GenreSim which selects an appropriate set of neighboring pages. We then construct a multiple classifier combination module that utilizes information from the selected neighboring pages and On-Page features to improve genre identification performance. The experiments are conducted on well-known corpora, and the favorable results indicate that our proposed framework is e↵ective, particularly in identifying web pages with limited textual information.