Linked data aims at publishing data expressed in RDF (Resource Description Framework) at the scale of the worldwide web. These datasets interoperate by publishing links which identify individuals across heterogeneous datasets. Such links may be found by using a generalisation of keys in databases, called link keys, which apply across datasets. They specify the pairs of properties to compare for linking individuals belonging to different classes of the datasets. Here, we show how to recast the proposed link key extraction techniques for RDF datasets in the framework of formal concept analysis. We define a formal context, where objects are pairs of resources and attributes are pairs of properties, and show that formal concepts correspond to link key candidates. We extend this characterisation to the full RDF model including non functional properties and interdependent link keys. We show how to use relational concept analysis for dealing with cyclic dependencies across classes and hence link keys. Finally, we discuss an implementation of this framework.stating that whenever an instance of the class Livre has the same values for the property auteur as an instance of the class Book has for the property creator and they share at least one value for their properties titre and title, then they denote the same entity. The notion of link key used in this paper generalises the definition introduced in [5] because the body of the rule includes two sets: the set of property pairs for which instances have to share all the values and the set of property pairs for which instances have to share at least one value.Such a link key may depend on other ones. For instance, properties auteur and creator may have values in the Écrivain and Writer classes respectively. Identifying their values will then resort to another link key:{⟨prénom,firstname⟩}{⟨nom,lastname⟩} linkkey ⟨Écrivain,Writer⟩ This situation would be even more intricate if Écrivain and Writer were instead identified from the values of their properties ouvrages and hasWritten refering to instances of Livre and Book (which have a chance to be more accurate). We would then face interdependent link keys.The problem considered here is the extraction of such link keys from RDF data. We have already proposed an algorithm for extracting some types of link keys [5]. This method may be decomposed in two distinct steps:(1) identifying link key candidates, i.e. sets of property pairs that would generate at least one link if used as a link key and that would be maximal for at least one generated link, followed by (2) selecting the best link key candidates according to quality measures. A method for discovering functional link keys in relational databases based on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA [23]) is detailed in [6].Globally extracting a set of link keys across several RDF data sources raises several issues, as link keys differ from database keys in various aspects: (a) they relax two constraints of the relational model, namely, that attributes are functional (RDF properties may have s...