“…, 9; (iv) partial ranges obtained from the slices in (s,X d ,Xu)∈T X d according to the procedure described in [12]-a partial range being the largest interval of characters occurring in a set of strings (e.g., a-c and l-n are two partial ranges obtained from {cabin, male}), see the cited paper for full details); (v) other special characters such as \., :, @, and so on. The initialization of the population of n pop individuals is based on the slices in (s,X d ,Xu)∈T X d , as follows (similarly to [18]). For each slice x s ∈ (s,X d ,Xu)∈T X d , two individuals are built: one whose string representation is equal to the content of x s where each digit is replaced by \d and each other alphabetic character is replaced by \w; another individual whose string representation is the same as the former and where consecutive occurrences of \d (or \w) are replaced by \d++ (or \w++).…”