We describe a framework to develop, implement and validate any perturbative Lagrangian-based particle physics model for further theoretical, phenomenological and experimental studies. The starting point is FEYNRULES, a MATHEMATICA package that allows to generate Feynman rules for any Lagrangian and then, through dedicated interfaces, automatically pass the corresponding relevant information to any supported Monte Carlo event generator. We prove the power, robustness and flexibility of this approach by presenting a few examples of new physics models (the Hidden Abelian Higgs Model, the general Two-Higgs-Doublet Model, the most general Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, the Minimal Higgsless Model, Universal and Large Extra Dimensions, and QCD-inspired effective Lagrangians) and their implementation/validation in FEYNARTS/FORMCALC, CALCHEP, MADGRAPH/MADEVENT, and SHERPA.