Background-In chronic hypoxia, both heart rate (HR) and cardiac output (Q) are reduced during exercise. The role of parasympathetic neural activity in lowering HR is unresolved, and its influence on Q and oxygen transport at high altitude has never been studied. Methods and Results-HR, Q, oxygen uptake, mean arterial pressure, and leg blood flow were determined at rest and during cycle exercise with and without vagal blockade with glycopyrrolate in 7 healthy lowlanders after 9 weeks' residence at Ն5260 m (ALT). At ALT, glycopyrrolate increased resting HR by 80 bpm (73Ϯ4 to 153Ϯ4 bpm) compared with 53 bpm (61Ϯ3 to 114Ϯ6 bpm) at sea level (SL). During exercise at ALT, glycopyrrolate increased HR by Ϸ40 bpm both at submaximal (127Ϯ4 to 170Ϯ3 bpm; 118 W) and maximal (141Ϯ6 to 180Ϯ2 bpm) exercise, whereas at SL, the increase was only by 16 bpm (137Ϯ6 to 153Ϯ4 bpm) at 118 W, with no effect at maximal exercise (181Ϯ2 bpm). Despite restoration of maximal HR to SL values, glycopyrrolate had no influence on Q, which was reduced at ALT. Breathing FIO 2 ϭ0.55 at peak exercise restored Q and power output to SL values. Conclusions-Enhanced parasympathetic neural activity accounts for the lowering of HR during exercise at ALT without influencing Q. The abrupt restoration of peak exercise Q in chronic hypoxia to maximal SL values when arterial PO 2 and SO 2 are similarly increased suggests hypoxia-mediated attenuation of Q. Key Words: heart rate Ⅲ cardiac output Ⅲ hypoxia Ⅲ nervous system, autonomic Ⅲ exercise A cclimatization to high altitude induces alterations in autonomic neural control of the cardiovascular system, exemplified by a marked reduction in maximal heart rate (HR). [1][2][3][4] Christensen and Forbes 1 first described the reduction in peak exercise HR at high altitude in 1937, yet the mechanism underlying this response has remained elusive for Ͼ60 years. Adaptations in both parasympathetic and sympathetic neural tone have been implicated in the relative bradycardia response to exercise in chronic hypoxia. A progressive influence of parasympathetic activity on HR occurs with duration of altitude exposure either via a central effect of hypoxia, 4,5 by greater influence at the cardiac receptor level, 6 -8 or by cholinergic antagonism. 9 It has not been clearly shown whether enhanced vagal tone actually causes the lower HR, ie, by a direct adaptation to hypoxia, or whether a greater vagal influence is exhibited due to a lowering of HR by another mechanism, eg, lower sympathetic activation, reduced cardiac sensitivity to adrenergic stimulation, or modulation by other (eg, adenosinergic) receptors. 8,10,11 Furthermore, studies on parasympathetic neural control of HR in hypoxia have yielded discrepant findings. 4,12,13 The functional significance of vagal control of HR at altitude for systemic oxygen transport and hemodynamic responses has also never been studied. In this regard, a reduction in maximal cardiac output (Q) and oxygen delivery during exercise has also been documented with altitude acclimatization, 3,14 -...