Study design: This is a systematic review. Objective: The objective of this study was to review the literature on iatrogenic urological triggers of autonomic dysreflexia (AD). Setting: This study was conducted in an international setting. Methods: A systematic review was conducted from PubMed search using AD/ autonomic hyperreflexia and spinal cord injury (SCI). Studies selected for review involved iatrogenic urological triggers of AD in individuals with SCI, including original articles, previous practice guidelines, case reports and literature reviews. Studies that did not report AD or blood pressure (BP) assessments during urological procedures were excluded. Results: Forty studies were included for analysis and categorized into four groups: (1) urodynamics and cystometry; (2) cystoscopy and transurethral litholapaxy; (3) extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL); and (4) other procedures. During urodynamics, the incidence of AD ranged from 36.7% to 77.8%. The symptomatic rate ranged from 50% to 65%, with AD symptoms seen predominantly in cervical SCI patients. The studies imply no consensus regarding the relationship between AD, neurogenic detrusor overactivity and detrusor sphincter dyssynergia. Without anesthesia, the majority of individuals develop AD during cystoscopy, transurethral litholapaxy and ESWL. The effectiveness of different anesthesia methods relies on blocking the nociceptive signals from the lower urinary tract (LUT) below the level of the neurological lesion. Other iatrogenic urological triggers were commonly associated with bladder filling. Conclusion: The LUT triggers of episodes of AD are often associated with iatrogenic urological procedures. AD was more prevalent in cervical SCI than in thoracic SCI. To detect this potential life-threatening complication following cervical and high thoracic SCI, routine BP monitoring during urological procedures is highly recommended.