Toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems in bacteria and archaea are small genetic elements consisting of the genes coding for an intracellular toxin and an antitoxin that can neutralize this toxin. In various cases, the toxins cleave the mRNA. In this theoretical work we use deterministic and stochastic modeling to explain how toxin-induced cleavage of mRNA in TA systems can lead to excitability, allowing large transient spikes in toxin levels to be triggered. By using a simplified network where secondary complex formation and transcriptional regulation are not included, we show that a two-dimensional, deterministic model captures the origin of such toxin excitations. Moreover, it allows to increase our understanding by examining the dynamics in the phase plane. By systematically comparing the deterministic results with Gillespie simulations we demonstrate that even though the real TA system is intrinsically stochastic, toxin excitations can be accurately described deterministically. A bifurcation analysis of the system shows that the excitable behavior is due to a nearby Hopf bifurcation in the parameter space, where the system becomes oscillatory. The influence of stress is modeled by varying the degradation rate of the antitoxin and the translation rate of the toxin. We find that stress increases the frequency of toxin excitations and decreases the excitation time. The inclusion of secondary complex formation and transcriptional regulation does not fundamentally change the mechanism of toxin excitations. Therefore, the deterministic model used in this work provides a simple and intuitive explanation of toxin excitations in TA systems.
Author summaryThe genomes of most bacteria and archaea encode several toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems, small genetic elements consisting of the genes coding for an intracellular toxin and an antitoxin that can neutralize this toxin. For several toxins, the target is the mRNA. In this theoretical work we use deterministic and stochastic modeling to explain how toxin-induced cleavage of mRNA in TA systems can trigger large transient spikes in toxin levels. By using a simplified network where secondary complex formation and transcriptional regulation are not included, we show that a two-dimensional, 1 . CC-BY 4.0 International license It is made available under a (which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.The copyright holder for this preprint . doi: bioRxiv preprint first posted online Aug. 20, 2018; deterministic model captures the origin of such toxin excitations. By systematically comparing our findings with more complex models, we find that the intrinsically stochastic TA system shows similar toxin excitations that are accurately predicted by the underlying simplified theory. This has allowed us to understand how the TA system responds in the presence of stress conditions, finding that toxin excitations become shorter and more frequent.