The melon (Cucumis melo L.) is a crop of great economic importance for the world, and in Brazil it is mainly intended for the export of its fresh fruits to the European market. In the North region, especially in Roraima, the cultivation of melon is one of the alternatives for exploring the cerrado areas, as its favorable edaphoclimatic conditions enable cultivation during the off-season in Brazil. The yellow melon is grown by most producers in Roraima, however, the technology adopted by the producers implies low yields and quality of the fruits required by the foreign market. The Northeast region of the country adopts techniques for the use of mulching (soil cover using polyethylene film), where beneficial factors are associated with curcubitaceae, protecting the soil against evaporation, saving water, energy, fertilizers and hindering pest infestation. (weeds and insects), and diseases. In addition, they use agrotextile to cover plants, which reduces the attack of pests and diseases in the melon crop. Thus, proper management provides good perspectives for the cultivation of melons with excellent quality, reducing the use of pesticides and being profitable for the producer. Therefore, in view of this context, this study sought to review inherent information on the efficiency of the use of mulching management associated with TNT in the melon crop.