Cavalcante ES, Freire ILS, Gomes ATL et al.
4401Yet, the decompression sickness occurs when the diver returns quickly at sea level. As the diver descends, the amount of dissolved gases in the blood, mainly oxygen and nitrogen increasing exponentially and when returns the surface undergoes the depressurization effect that occurs so suddenly causing the formation of bubbles of nitrogen, which can reach vital organs of the body, reflected from mild symptoms to serious, including numbness, weakness and even serious spinal injuries.
5The chronicity generated by the consequences of SCI brings about important social and economic loss, leading to disenchantment of life, loss of labor capacity, partial impossibility of locomotion and leisure, need for adaptation and, in some situations, loss of autonomy, changes in body image and negative feelings between ambiguous fear of permanent disabilities and social exclusion, insecurity, aggression, anxiety, impulsiveness, social isolation, hopelessness, feelings of inferiority, ambivalence, anger, fear and hopelessness. For data collection, we used a structured script consisting of two parts, namely:
Demographic characterizationThis questionnaire has designed by the researchers themselves and sought to meet the socio-demographic data of the participants of the survey, composed by the following variables: age, gender, education, marital status, occupation, religion, family income, and number of children.
Questionnaire CAGE
7-8This questionnaire constituted by four questions concerning the following Anagram: The profile of the respondents, it was observed that they were all male, at the age of 46 to 60 years of age (63.3%) average age of 50.0 years, minimum and maximum of 29 86years (± 9.1 years). The majority (54.5 percent) had the degree of schooling up to the elementary school, they lived without a mate (63.6%) and 52.3% reported having some kind of occupation, as shown in Table 1. Source: data of the own research Demographic characterization of artesanal fisherfolk with SCI thickens when specific literature shows the unanimous presence of male. This fact brings the reflection about the sexual division of labor in the asymmetric relations of power between men and women, anchored in a series of elements considered specific "of man" and "woman".