Conflito de interesses:Não Contribuição dos autores: AYM obtenção, análise/interpretação dos dados e redação do manuscrito. EMSC redação e revisão crítica. ME coleta de dados, redação e revisão crítica. LGL concepção do projeto, análise/interpretação dos dados, redação e revisão crítica do manuscrito. Contato para correspondência: Luciano Garcia Lourenção. E-mail: luciano.famerp@gmail. This is s a cross-sectional study performed with 18 elderly living at Lar de BetaniaSão José do Rio Preto. Data were collected from July to August of 2011, using the WHOQOL-OLD, an instrument of the World Health Organization (WHO) to evaluate the quality of life of elderly people. Calculation of scores was carried out according to the WHOQOL Group, using the software SPSS, version 17.1. Results: The general quality of life of this population has changed from 57.00 to 99.00 (79.94 ±12.14). In relation to the WHOQOL-OLD domains, it was found that the elderly showed impairment of Intimacy, Autonomy, and Social Participation. Mean scores were 42.36 ± 25.23, 50.34 ± 16.53, and 60.06 ± 18.58, respectively. The best scores of the quality of life were observed in sensory function (68.05 -DP: ± 23.76), death and dying (65.27 -DP: ± 22.50) and past-present-future activities (63.54 -DP: ± 16.07). Conclusion: The studied elderly showed that they were committed with the quality of life related to aspects of intimacy, autonomy, and social participation. We observed a better quality of life for the aged regarding the functioning of the psychomotor performance, Death, and Dying, as well as in past-present-future activities.The results indicate the need of a general restructuring of both the service and the training of caregivers.