“…The geological framework of the State of São Paulo allows the aquifers to be divided into two groups: those of primary porosity, represented by sedimentary aquifers (Furnas, Itararé, Aquidauana, Passa Dois, Botucatu, Piramboia, Santo Anastácio, Caiuá, Marília, Adamantina, São Paulo, Litorâneo, and Taubaté) and undifferentiated cenozoic coverings; and secondary porosity aquifers, represented by the fractured Serra Geral and Cristalino (DAEE 2005). These aquifers are aggregated into aquifer systems, namely Cenozoic, Bauru, Serra Geral, Guarani, Aquitarde Passa Dois, Tubarão, Paraná, and Cristalino (Carvalho and Hirata 2012).…”