DOI: 10.14393/rbcv72n1-51660
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Avaliação do Sistema de Código de Cores “See Color” em Mapa Tátil

Abstract: Os mapas táteis são produtos cartográficos que comunicam informações de natureza geográfica para pessoas com deficiência visual. A maioria das variáveis gráficas visuais pode ser representada em alto relevo, com exceção da variável cor. Contudo, o uso de códigos de cores em mapa tátil pode ser uma alternativa para incluir a capacidade cognitiva das pessoas cegas sobre as cores. Assim, este trabalho visou avaliar a eficiência e eficácia do sistema de código de cores See Color em dois mapas isarítmicos represent… Show more

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Cited by 4 publications
(9 citation statements)
References 5 publications
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“…In the first half of 2020 there was the publication of an article regarding the use of color codes on tactile maps using the See Color code. The patent for this code (BR 10 2017 018174 0) was issued in 2017 and map experiments using this system started in 2019 by Araújo et al (2020). Then, a partnership was established between researchers in the area of Cartography linked to the Postgraduate Program in Geodetic Sciences at the Federal University of Paraná (BR) and Dr. Sandra Marchi, artist and creator of the See Color code, who was associated that year to the Postgraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering at the same university, in the area of Ergonomics and Usability.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
See 2 more Smart Citations
“…In the first half of 2020 there was the publication of an article regarding the use of color codes on tactile maps using the See Color code. The patent for this code (BR 10 2017 018174 0) was issued in 2017 and map experiments using this system started in 2019 by Araújo et al (2020). Then, a partnership was established between researchers in the area of Cartography linked to the Postgraduate Program in Geodetic Sciences at the Federal University of Paraná (BR) and Dr. Sandra Marchi, artist and creator of the See Color code, who was associated that year to the Postgraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering at the same university, in the area of Ergonomics and Usability.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In any case, the study recommends that the amount of letters or numbers used in zonal representations should be inferior or equal to seven. A group of researchers (Araújo et al, 2020) realized that, similarly to the use of letters or numbers in tactile cartography, it might be possible to represent zonal phenomena on thematic maps through the use of the tactile language of the See Color code (seecolor.com.br). These researchers consider that tactile cartography can advance in studies on the use of color codes on tactile maps, as it may improve the ability of abstraction of the congenitally blind on the meaning of colors, visually rescue colors in the mind of the adventitiously blind, and allow people with low vision to distinguish non-contrasting colors.…”
Section: Production Of Tactile Maps and Use Of Graphic Variablesmentioning
confidence: 99%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…Na esteira dos ideais dos movimentos a favor da igualdade e das lutas para garantir que os grupos constituídos pelas minorias tenham voz e sejam ouvidos, as pesquisas se intensificaram nos enfoques da produção de material didático tátil (REGIS, 2016), com uso de tecnologia (VENTORINI, 2009(VENTORINI, , 2014BARBOSA, 2018), na compreensão da relação da pessoa cega com o espaço a partir da própria cegueira (VENTORINI, 2009(VENTORINI, , 2014CUSTÓDIO, 2013), na expressão de conhecimentos sobre o local vivido por meio de narrativas e desenhos (ALMEIDA; NOGUEIRA, 2009;VENTORINI, 2009VENTORINI, , 2014SILVA, 2017;, no ensino de Geografia e Cartografia (SENA, 2009; CHAVES, 2010; ANDRADE, 2014; JORDÃO, 2015), na formação continuada de professores (NOGUEIRA, 2009;CARMO, 2010CARMO, , 2016BITTENCOURT, 2011;SILVA;ROCHA, 2014), no uso de tecnologia da impressora 3D, (FERREIRA; SILVA, 2012; SILVA, 2017), na produção de mapas e maquetes, na impressão de símbolos por meio de impressora 3D (FERNANDES et al, 2016; ANDRADE; MONTEIRO, 2019), em sistema de código de cores See Color que consistem em um código cor elaborado com base no braile (MARCHI, 2019;ARAÚJO et al, 2020), na simbologia para mapas táteis para edificações (BEM, PUPO, 2019), dentre outros temas (figura 8).…”
Section: Iniciativas Nacionaisunclassified
“…In Brazil, the See Color code was approved by the Benjamin Constant Institute to teach the concept of colors to people with visual impairments through tactile color codes (seecolor.com.br). Exploratory studies on the use of the See Color code were developed by Ribeiro (2019) using a work of art and by Araújo et al (2020) using tactile temperature maps.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%