The psychological literature is unanimous in stating that the environment plays a very important whole in children's development process. In so being, the family may help or hinder their healthy growth. From an intergenerational perspective, it is possible to identify how the psychic transmission and the structuring process of the family organization (corresponding to the family inheritance on an unconscious level) occur as to the transfer of intrapsychic and intersubjective aspects. The antisocial trend can cause a major disruption of the expectations that society and the family have for the child, and the symptoms that characterize such trend encompass the presence of quarrels, aggression, opposition, lies, escaping from reality, and disobedience, among others. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the family psychodynamics involved in the onset and maintenance of antisocial trend in a female child of five years old, from the perspective of the Psychic Transgenerational Transmission theory. A case study including the participation of her family was conducted. So, the child, her parents, her maternal grandmother and her paternal grandmother were included. The evaluation encompassed the use of Hammer Battery (with all the participants); Children Apperception Test and Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices Test (with the child); psychological interview and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ-Per) (with the mother); and Thematic Apperception Test with all adults. The data were analyzed from a psychoanalytic clinical perspective, together with the conjectures proposed by manual instruments. It can be noted that the child's symptoms are closely related to the anguish, suffering and uncertainty of the members of her family. Both grandmothers have similar life histories, expressing a dependency on others, that contributes to the understanding of their families. Both wish to get involved in relationships that could help them to meet their needs. The child's grandmothers and mother have suffered emotional deceptions throughout life, which are related to the absence of important figures, due to premature separation of their parents and consequent deficit of holding, and did not find other person to meet their affective needs. The child receives the distresses of these women and their wishes of changes in their lives, expressing such feelings through her impulsiveness and restlessness. Her father demonstrates a feeling of uselessness and futility as to the world, leading him to an emotional distance from his family and his daughter's care. So, the chill's parents reveal major losses that led to the absence of figures of identification in exercising their parental responsibilities. The child receives contents not well elaborated, related to loss, search for holding, depression and feeling of being required, but with no conditions to answer accordingly. The contours of the child's Self are poorly defined and the girl does not feel protected by secure imposing limits. The child's symptoms seem to be a way she...