In this paper we study typical distances in the configuration model, when the degrees have asymptotically infinite variance. We assume that the empirical degree distribution follows a power law with exponent τ ∈ (2, 3), up to value n β n for some β n (log n) −γ and γ ∈ (0, 1). This assumption is satisfied for power law i.i.d. degrees, and also includes truncated power-law empirical degree distributions where the (possibly exponential) truncation happens at n β n . These examples are commonly observed in many real-life networks. We show that the graph distance between two uniformly chosen vertices centers around 2 log log(n β n )/| log(τ − 2)| + 1/(β n (3 − τ )), with tight fluctuations. Thus, the graph is an ultrasmall world whenever 1/β n = o(log log n). We determine the distribution of the fluctuations around this value, in particular we prove these form a sequence of tight random variables with distributions that show log log-periodicity, and as a result it is non-converging. We describe the topology and number of shortest paths: We show that the number of shortest paths is of order n f n β n , where f n ∈ (0, 1) is a random variable that oscillates with n. We decompose shortest paths into three segments, two 'end-segments' starting at each of the two uniformly chosen vertices, and a middle segment. The two end-segments of any shortest path have length log log(n β n )/| log(τ − 2)|+tight, and the total degree is increasing towards the middle of the path on these segments. The connecting middle segment has length 1/(β n (3 − τ ))+tight, and it contains only vertices with degree at least of order n (1− f n )β n , thus all the degrees on this segment are comparable to the maximal degree. Our theorems also apply when instead of truncating the degrees, we start with a configuration model and we remove every vertex with degree at least n β n , and the edges attached to these vertices. This sheds light on the attack vulnerability of the configuration model with infinite variance degrees.