Manufacturing of AgMg sheathed Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x superconducting tapes involves multiple processes. Microstructural studies across tape sections have shown that the microstructure is nonuniform across the tape. These nonuniformities are largely due to manufacturing defects, even in well-controlled manufacturing processes. Consequently, the electrical and mechanical properties vary in these different sections. Here, we report results from analyzing the electromechanical properties of AgMg sheathed Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x tapes in different sections using a statistical approach. 24 samples were studied at strains of 0%, 0.25%, and 0.349% for a total of 72 samples. The probability of electrical and mechanical failures of the tapes is then analyzed using two- and three-parameter Weibull distributions. It is found that the mechanical failure of these tapes is homogeneous, consistent with failure in the AgMg sheath, but that the electromechanical failure is inhomogeneous within the conductor and as a function of strain, indicating that this failure is dictated by failure in the inhomogeneous ceramic oxide superconducting filaments. This has important implications for the designs of superconducting magnets.