In current simulations of fission, the number of protons and neutrons in a given fission fragment is almost always obtained by integrating the total density of particles in the sector of space that contains the fragment. Because of the antisymmetry of the many-body wave function of the whole nucleus, this procedure systematically gives non-integer numbers of particles in the fragments. We introduce a novel sampling method to estimate rigorously the probability of finding Z protons and N neutrons in a fission fragment without resorting to projectors, which can sometimes give unwieldy results. When applied on standard Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov many-body states, we show that our approach reproduces indeed the results of full particle number projection. We then estimate the charge and mass number dispersion of several scission configurations in 240 Pu with and without pairing correlations included. We show that odd-even effects in the charge probability naturally occur within our approach, which could explain the well-known odd-even staggering of charge distributions. Our method is applicable either in static calculations of scission configurations such as, e.g. in the macroscopic-microscopic approach or energy density functional theory, but also in explicitly time-dependent density functional theory simulations of fission.Introduction. The theoretical understanding of nuclear fission, discovered in 1938 by O. Hahn and F. Strassmann, remains a vexing challenge even to this day. The fission of a heavy atomic nucleus presents a number of conceptual as well as practical difficulties. A fissioning nucleus is a particular example of a quantum manybody system of strongly-interacting Fermions, whose interaction is only known approximately. Fission dynamics is explicitly time-dependent and involves open channels (mostly neutrons, but also photons). From a fundamental perspective, the physics of scission, or how an interacting, quantum many-body system splits into two wellseparated, interacting, quantum many-body systems, is very poorly known. Although there is considerable experimental data on fission, most of it has to do with the decay of the fission fragments: the mechanism by which these fragments are formed must be described by theory.Several approaches have been developed over the years to describe the fission process. Since fission times are rather slow compared with single-particle types of excitations [1,2], quasi-static approaches are well justified. Most incarnations of these approaches rely on identifying a few collective variables that drive the fission process, mapping out the potential energy surface in this collective space (which fixes all properties of fission fragments) and computing the probability for the nucleus to be at any point on the surface, e.g. with semi-classical dynamics such as Langevin [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12], random walk [13][14][15] or with fully quantum-mechanical dynamics such as the time-dependent generator coordinate method [16][17][18][19]. One major limitation of these approac...