AmaçPnömotoraks sık bir klinik durum olarak bilinir. Mini aksiler torakotomi mükemmel sonuçlarla birlikte kolay apikal wedge rezeksiyon ve plörektomiye olanak vermesi nedeni ile pnömotorakslarda majör endikasyondur. Burada biz pnömotoraksta aksiller torakotomi deneyimimizi anlattık.
Gereç ve Yöntemler
SonuçMini aksiler torakotomi ile, hastanede kalış süresi kısa, ağrı daha az, kozmetik sonuçlar kabul edilebilirdi ve nüks yoktu. Mini aksiler torakotomi spontan primer pnömotorakslar da cerrahi gerektiği zaman hasta için mükemmel sonuçları nedeni ile iyi bir seçimdir.
Anahtar KelimelerPnömotoraks, Torakotomi, Minimal İnvaziv.
Abstract AimPneumothorax knows a common clinical problem. Mini axillary thoracotomy major indication is pneumothorax surgery, allowing easily apical resection and pleurectomy with excellent longterm results. Herein, we describe our experience with the axillary thoracotomy for the treatment of pneumothorax.
Material and MethodsA total of 56 cases underwent mini axillary thoracotomy with the diagnosis of primary spontaneous pneumothorax in our department between 1996-2008. Fifty four of the cases were males (96.5%) and two (3.5%) were females with a mean age of 28.2 (17-43). Twenty-nine cases (51.7%) had right pneumothorax and 27 (48.3%) left pneumothorax.
ResultsWe performed apical wedge resection and apical pleurectomy in 33 cases (59%), bullae ligation and apical pleurectomy in 23 cases (41%). Four patients developped morbidity. There was no mortality. Median hospital stay was 4.5 day (3-8). During 13 years follow up recurrens was not detected.
ConclusionsA mini axillary thoracotomy was short hospital stay, cosmetically acceptable was not recurrence. A mini axillary thoracotomy is a good choice when a spontaneous pneumothorax requires surgery due to excellent results for the patient.