Hungary has a long agricultural tradition, but in recent years it has become more and more innovative, opening up to digital and sustainable trends. These trends include school-based independent farms and point-of-sale systems. While not all of the 61 vocational secondary schools in the new umbrella organisation (Agricultural Training Centres) set up by the Ministry of Agriculture are farms, our sample includes three institutions that are engaged in this type of activity. In our sampling procedure, the selection of the study population was determined by the proximity of the school to the area within our reach (max. 100 km, but in a different county) and by our personal knowledge of the head of the institution, whose willing and supportive cooperation formed the basis of our research. The 210 students in our non-representative sample were from a Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county institution, 114 from a Bács-Kiskun county institution and 36 from a Csongrád county institution, making a total of 360 students. In the context of multifunctionality and sustainable education, there are many educational and pedagogical goals for such a self-driven phenomenon. Based on our empirical researches, we believe that the education system has an important role and responsibility in educating our young people to become conscious and environmentally friendly consumers, and in this spirit we have developed a proposal for an action plan (Student Enterprise Project) that could complement the agricultural practice activities in a way that is sustainable and self-development-oriented, and of course in a form that can be adapted to school.