On the other hand, the consumer-male is more inclined towards basic grooming, and hair styling products, while a big proportion of this group can be classified in the metrosexual category. It is also to remember that the products formulated for the Malaysia's market and its consumers have not to leave a tacky after feel and must withstand heavy humidity and hot air for all the year long.
Products requested and used in the beauty centersIt is interesting to underline that the female to male consumer ratio for facial / spa treatment is around 3:1, and female are more discerning and trend towards natural cosmeceuticals and the environmental protection. Among the products, the noninvasive anti-aging cosmetics and anti-inflammatory and acne therapies are the more used and preferred to the use of drugs.Thus, the majority of treatments in the beauty centers are generally based on the use of cosmeceuticals based on natural ingredients, presented in the form of ampules, serums and emulsions utilized by massage and the frequent use of LED, mesotherapy, laser therapy, and ultrasounds.