Infeksi Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) dan Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) adalah masalah utama dari kesehatan global. Menurut United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), salah satu bagian dari WHO yang mengurus tentang AIDS menyebutkan, bahwa perkiraan jumlah penderita yang terinfeksi HIV/AIDS di seluruh dunia sampai dengan akhir tahun 2010 mencapai 34 juta. Kasus HIV pada anak paling sering ditemukan akibat transmisi dari ibu yang HIV positif ke anaknya. Pada laporan kasus ini dilaporkan penanganan anestesi pada penderita pasien wanita berusia 25 tahun berat badan 50 kg primigravida hamil aterm 38 minggu belum dalam persalinan dengan infeksi HIV belum mendapatkan terapi antiretroviral. Pasien diklasifikasikan ASA II dan dilakukan anestesi regional teknik blok subarakhnoid dengan obat bupivakin 0,5% hiperbarik 10 mg. Dilahirkan bayi perempuan berat lahir 2500 gram, dengan skor Apgar 9/10. Operasi berlangsung selama 1 jam dengan hemodinamik TD 90–120/60-80 mmHg, HR 65-100 x/mnt, SpO2 99–100%, perdarahan 400 cc, produksi urin 0,5 ml/kgBB/jam. Pasca operasi pasien diobservasi di ruang pemulihan hingga skor Bromage 0 sebelum dikembalikan ke bangsal.
Anesthesia Management in Cesarean Section Patients with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) infections are the main problems of global health. According to United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), one part of the WHO that deals with AIDS states that the estimated number of people infected with HIV/AIDS worldwide by the end of 2010 reached 34 million. HIV cases in children are most often found due to the transmission of HIV-positive mothers to their children. We reported a 25-year-old primigravida, 38 weeks, weighing 50 kg, not in delivery with HIV infection without antiretroviral therapy underwent caesarean section. Patient was classified as ASA II and performed subarachnoid blocks with hyperbaric 0.5 mg bupivacaine 10 mg. A baby girl was born, weighing 2500 grams, with Apgar score 9/10. The operation lasts for 1 hour with hemodynamics TD 90-120/60-80 mmHg, HR 65-100 x/min, SpO2 99-100%, bleeding 400 cc, urine production 0.5 ml/kgBW/hour. In postoperative period, patient was observed in the recovery room until the Bromage score was 0 before transferred to the ward.