The Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are an essential class of supervised learning algorithms. Complex tasks like speech recognition, machine translation, sentiment classification, weather prediction, etc., are now performed by well-trained RNNs. Local or cloud-based GPU machines are used to train them. However, inference is now shifting to miniature, mobile, IoT devices and even micro-controllers. Due to their colossal memory and computing requirements, mapping RNNs directly onto resource-constrained platforms is arcane and challenging. The efficacy of edge-intelligent RNNs (EI-RNNs) must satisfy both performance and memory-fitting requirements at the same time without compromising one for the other. This study’s aim was to provide an empirical evaluation and optimization of historic as well as recent RNN architectures for high-performance and low-memory footprint goals. We focused on Human Activity Recognition (HAR) tasks based on wearable sensor data for embedded healthcare applications. We evaluated and optimized six different recurrent units, namely Vanilla RNNs, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) units, Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs), Fast Gated Recurrent Neural Networks (FGRNNs), Fast Recurrent Neural Networks (FRNNs), and Unitary Gated Recurrent Neural Networks (UGRNNs) on eight publicly available time-series HAR datasets. We used the hold-out and cross-validation protocols for training the RNNs. We used low-rank parameterization, iterative hard thresholding, and spare retraining compression for RNNs. We found that efficient training (i.e., dataset handling and preprocessing procedures, hyperparameter tuning, and so on, and suitable compression methods (like low-rank parameterization and iterative pruning) are critical in optimizing RNNs for performance and memory efficiency. We implemented the inference of the optimized models on Raspberry Pi.