We obtain stochastic stability of C2 non-uniformly expanding one-dimensional
endomorphisms, requiring only that the first hyperbolic time map be
L^{p}-integrable for p>3. We show that, under this condition (which depends
only on the unperturbed dynamics), we can construct a random perturbation that
preserves the original hyperbolic times of the unperturbed map and, therefore,
to obtain non-uniform expansion for random orbits. This ensures that the first
hyperbolic time map is uniformly integrable for all small enough noise levels,
which is known to imply stochastic stability. The method enables us to obtain
stochastic stability for a class of maps with infinitely many critical points.
For higher dimensional endomorphisms, a similar result is obtained, but under
stronger assumptions.Comment: 25 pages; 1 figure; many typos corrected. Keywords: stochastic
stability, additive perturbation, non-uniform expansion, slow recurrence,
adapted random perturbation, stationary measures, physical measures, first
hyperbolic time map. To be published in Stochastics and Dynamic