Applications or dry film photoresists in MEMS (micro eleclnHllechanical systems) products are expected, since dl"\' fi 1m photOfcsists ha\'c numerous advantages such as easily to he l aminated lind removed after processing, Thi, papcr reporls on the pro cess study of fabricating microstructLlres using commerciallv available dry film pholDTesists Slllgle layer and multi-lever laminations were performed: lateral resolLltions of patterned trenches, and sidewall \uticalit\' were investigated, Trenches of 12 III widc wcre succcssfLlll�' patterned and sidcwalls with 90 /-1 vcrticalit�· IVcrc achieved, Furthenuore, lIr\' film photoresists \yere lmllinatf.:d successfully on a nOll-planar wafer with pre\'iously etched V -grooves for the next-stcp fahrication, The results demonstrated new possihilities of dry fIlm photoresist for lvIEMS applications,