Winterová R., Holasová M., Fiedlerová V. (2016): Effect of spelt pearling on the contents of total dietary fibre, wet gluten, protein and starch fractions. Czech J. Food Sci., 34: 61-67.The important nutritional characteristics of the Rubiota spelt variety, grown in the Czech Republic, were reported. We evaluated the contents of total dietary fibre, protein, wet gluten, total starch, and starch fractions, i.e. rapidly digested starch, slowly digested starch, and resistant starch in pearled grain of spelt and in pearling fines. We measured these properties depending on the degree of kernel abrasion. Small differences were found between the sequential pearling cycles in the pearled spelt but significant differences were observed in the fines. In this study we also compared two methods for determining total and resistant starch.