Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine changes in bone density and geometry of the forearm region and motor function of the paretic upper extremity in a person with subacute stroke. Client Description: The participant was a 48-year-old man with right hemiparesis. Intervention: Not applicable. Measures and Outcomes: The assessment of upper-extremity (UE) function and bone imaging took place at 3 months and 12 months after stroke. The participant had moderate motor impairment and severe disuse of the paretic UE 3 months after stroke. During the follow-up period, no substantial change in paretic UE function was observed. At the 12 month follow-up, the areal bone mineral density (aBMD) of the ultradistal and mid-regions of the paretic forearm, as measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, sustained a significant reduction of 7.9% and 5.9%, respectively. The non-paretic side, in contrast, had a significant 4.0% increase in aBMD of the mid-forearm and a 2.8% increase in aBMD of the total forearm. Significant findings from peripheral quantitative computed tomography were a reduction in total volumetric bone mineral density (À12.1%) and bone strength index (À20.6%) in the radius distal epiphysis on the paretic side and an increase in cortical bone mineral content (2.0%) and bone strength index (7.6%) in the radius diaphysis on the non-paretic side. Implications: After a stroke that resulted in moderate to severe UE impairment, a significant decline in bone mineral density was identified in various skeletal sites in the forearm region as the participant entered the subacute and chronic stages of recovery. The results point to the potential importance of early rehabilitative intervention in preventing unfavourable bone changes in the paretic upper limb among individuals with stroke.Key Words: bone and bones; osteoporosis; muscles; rehabilitation; stroke.
RÉ SUMÉObjectif : Examiner les changements dans la densité et la gé omé trie osseuses de la ré gion de l'avant-bras et la fonction motrice d'un membre supé rieur paré tique chez une personne ayant subi un AVC subaigu (participant A). Description du client : Le participant A est â gé de 48 ans avec hé miparé sie du cô té droit. Intervention : Ne s'applique pas. Mesures et ré sultats : L'é valuation de la fonction des membres supé rieurs et une imagerie osseuse ont é té ré alisé es 3 mois, puis 12 mois suivant l'AVC. Le participant A avait une incapacité motrice modé ré e et une dysfonction grave du membre supé rieur paré tique 3 mois aprè s l'AVC. Au cours de la pé riode de suivi, aucun changement particulier de la fonction du membre paré tique supé rieur n'a é té observé . Aprè s un suivi de 12 mois, la densité miné rale osseuse surfacique (aBMD) de la ré gion mé diane et ultradistale de l'avant-bras paré tique, telle que mesuré e par absorptiomé trie aux rayons X à double intensité (DXA) affichait une ré duction considé rable de 7,9 % et de 5,9 %, respectivement. Le cô té non paré tique, au contraire, affichait une augmentation de densité miné rale ...