A balanced bandpass filter (BBPF) with high common‐mode rejection (CMR) and extended differential‐mode (DM) stopband is presented. It is based on miniaturized Pi‐network ring resonators with loaded inductors. This structure permits the design of the common‐mode (CM) and DM resonances independently, which gives plenty of flexibility when designing the filter. Stubs are added along the symmetry plane to improve the CMR. A microstrip BBPF is designed at 921.7 MHz with a fractional bandwidth of 8.4% and a DM stopband of 10.13 f
0 ${{\boldsymbol{f}}}_{{\bf{0}}}$ for S21 < −30 dB. The CMR is better than −20 dB up to 10 f
0 ${{\boldsymbol{f}}}_{{\bf{0}}}$.