Intro ductionLet (X, 0) be a measurable space and f be a submarkovian resolvent of kernels (with the initial kernel V proper) on X which is absolutely continuous and has a dual resolvent (with the same properties) with respect to a σ-finite measure.A positive numerical function s on X is called V-ultrapotentίal if it is ^-excessive (in particular ^-a.e. finite) and if the following condition is fulfilled: for every integer n >, 1, there exists a positive ^-measurable function f n on X such that s = V n (f n ), where V n is the n-th iteration of the kernel V.The main purpose of this paper (see Theorem 3.5 and Corollary 3.6) is to prove that, under a "regularity" condition (which will be discussed in the last part of Section 2) on the resolvent iΓ, for each F-ultrapotential s there exist a finite positive Borel measure σ on the open interval ]0, oo[ and a family (s x \ <λ 0, such that for each
is o -measurable and s(x)= [s λ (x)dσ(λ).In fact, this type of representation is given for a slightly more general class of excessive functions, as the F-ultrapotentials.An uniqueness of the representation and a converse statement are also proved.These results aiv analogous, in this context, with those obtained by M. Itό and N. Suzuki in [7] (see also [6]) for the set up of diffusion semi- Recerred May 6, 1987. 125 https://doi