An enhanced static approximation for the electron self-energy operator is proposed for efficient calculation of quasiparticle energies. Analysis of the static Coulomb-hole screened-exchange ͑COHSEX͒ approximation originally proposed by Hedin shows that most of the error derives from the short-wavelength contributions of the assumed adiabatic accumulation of the Coulomb hole. A wave-vector-dependent correction factor can be incorporated as the basis for a new static approximation. This factor can be approximated by a single scaling function, determined from the homogeneous electron-gas model. The local field effect in real materials is captured by a simple ansatz based on symmetry consideration. As inherited from the COHSEX approximation, the new approximation presents a Hermitian self-energy operator and the summation over empty states is eliminated from the evaluation of the self-energy operator. Tests were conducted comparing the new approximation to GW calculations for diverse materials ranging from crystals, molecules, atoms and a carbon nanotube. The accuracy for the minimum gap is about 10% or better. Like in the COHSEX approximation, the occupied bandwidth is overestimated.