Unlike in conventional semiconductors, both the chemical potential and the band gap in bilayer graphene (BLG) can be tuned via application of external electric field. Among numerous device implications, this property also designates BLG as a candidate for high-performance thermoelectric material. In this theoretical study we have calculated the Seebeck coefficients for abrupt interface separating weakly-and heavily-doped areas in BLG, and for a more realistic rectangular sample of mesoscopic size, contacted by two electrodes. For a given band gap (∆) and temperature (T ) the maximal Seebeck coefficient is close to the Goldsmid-Sharp value |S| GS max = ∆/(2eT ), the deviations can be approximated by the asymptotic expression |S| GS max −|S|max = (kB/e)× 1 2 ln u + ln 2 − 1 2 + O(u −1 ) , with the electron charge −e, the Boltzmann constant kB, and u = ∆/(2kBT ) 1. Surprisingly, the effects of trigonal warping term in the BLG low-energy Hamiltonian are clearly visible at few-Kelvin temperatures, for all accessible values of ∆ 300 meV. We also show that thermoelectric figure of merit is noticeably enhanced (ZT > 3) when a rigid substrate suppresses out-of-plane vibrations, reducing the contribution from ZA phonons to the thermal conductivity.with f BE (T, ω) = 1/ [ exp ( ω/k B T ) − 1 ] the Bose-Einstein distribution function and T ph (ω) the phononic transmission spectrum. We calculate T ph (ω) by adopting the procedure developed by Alofi and Srivastava [30] to the two systems considered in this work (see Supplementary Information, Sec. IV ).