The results of research for 2021, 2022 on the impact of the after-effect of different doses of mineral fertilizers applied to sunflower on productivity and quality of spring barley of the Kamashevsky variety are presented. Field experiments were laid in the conditions of the Ulyanovsk region on chernozem leached heavy loamy soil. Four backgrounds of mineral fertilizers were studied: N0, N30, N30P30K30, N60P30K30 kg a.i./ha Meteorological conditions were contrasting in the years of research, which allowed a more complete assessment of the effectiveness of fertilizer after-effect. Barley cultivation technology included spring cutting of sunflower crop residues with a discator and a modular harrow, sowing with a grain drill and rolling. Barley showed the greatest responsiveness to the after-effect of mineral fertilizers at a dose of N60P30K30 kg a.i./ha. Grain yield in this variant was 2.11 t/ha, which is 1.05 t/ha higher compared to the unfertilized variant. On this agricultural background, a larger grain was obtained (the weight of 100 grains was 48.4 g, on the control - 44.4 g) with a high protein content of 12.7% (on the control – 11.5%). Correlation and regression analysis revealed a direct positive relationship between dry matter accumulation and barley productivity (R2 = 0,96). It was found that with an increase in the dose of nitrogen fertilizers for every 10 kg a.i./ha, an increase in the crude protein content of grain by 0.2% was observed. Protein content in grain depended on the moisture conditions of the year. Cultivation of barley after sunflower is agronomically expedient on the background of mineral fertilizers aftereffect. In the absence of fertilizers, the productivity of barley after sunflower sharply decreases. In addition, it is necessary to carefully control the weediness of barley crops (including the emergence of large amounts of sunflower fallen seed) and timely chemical weeding.