Abstract. Long time series of sea level from tide gauges along the north side of the Hawaiian Ridge and shorter series of dynamic heights inferred from inverted echo sounders moored just north of the main Hawaiian Islands are examined for evidence of internal tides at the M 2 frequency. We find that the amplitudes and phases of the M 2 tidal components have low-frequency variability, which is consistent with a superposition of an internal tide with the larger barotropic tide. Further, the low-frequency variability is correlated with low-frequency changes in the depth of the pycnocline, which suggests a simple physical mechanism to account for the low-frequency modulations in the internal tidal amplitude. These modulations are coherent for long distances along the Hawaiian Ridge, indicating a coherent generation of the internal tide that is consistent with acoustic observations in the North Pacific and with recent analyses of sea surface heights from satellite altimetry. intercomparisons are important given that the scale of the temporal modulations of the internal tide is only of the order of 1 cm and also because the interpretation of the tide gauge series depends on a highly simplified model of the internal tide generation process. However, we are able to show that the model of the generation process and the analysis method we derive yield a remarkable degree of consistency between these two independent sets of measurements during the relatively brief period when the IES measurements are available. This consistency gives us the confidence necessary to assess the interannual to decadal modulations in the internal tidal amplitude using the tide gauge data only, and these intercomparisons are described in some detail. Given the modulations in the M 2 internal tide derived from the tide gauges, we then exploit the fact that the tide gauge records are >20 years long and look at the coherence along the ridge of the lowest-frequency modulations. We assume that if the lowest-frequency (i.e., decadal) modulations in the internal tide generated at the ridge are coherently generated along the ridge, then it is reasonable to expect that the mean internal tide observed by Dushaw et al. [1995] would also be coherent spatially. This is, in fact, what we find, which we propose as evidence supporting the interpretation of Dushaw et al. [1995].At the same time that we initially undertook these analyses, one of us (G. T. M.) also began collaborating on a complementary analysis of these signals using sea surface heights from the TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) altimeter. That analysis is quite different, relying on wavenumber structure for separating the baroclinic from the barotropic tides, and is complementary to the work described here in that the T/P and the Dushaw et al.[1995] analyses both focus on the mean internal tide. Preliminary results of the T/P analysis have been published [Ray and Mitchurn, 1996Mitchurn, , 1997, and a similar conclusion can be made from this very different analysis. Taken all together, these analyses provid...