The quantum-mechanical tunneling is often important in low-energy reactions, which involve motion of light nuclei, occurring in condensed phase. The potential energy profile for such processes is typically represented as a double-well potential along the reaction coordinate. In a potential of this type defining reaction probabilities, rigorously formulated only for unbound potentials in terms of the scattering states with incoming/outgoing scattering boundary conditions, becomes ambiguous. Based on the analysis of a rectangular double-well potential, a modified expression for the reaction probabilities and rate constants suitable for arbitrary double-(or multiple-) well potentials is developed with the goal of quantifying tunneling. The proposed definition involves energy eigenstates of the bound potential and exact quantum-mechanical transmission probability through the barrier region of the corresponding scattering potential. Applications are given for several model systems, including proton transfer in a HO-H-CH 3 model, and the differences between the quantum-mechanical and quasiclassical tunneling probabilities are examined.