The performance of user-level messaging in PIM (Processing-InMemory) to PIM communication is modeled and analyzed for the DIVA (Data IntensiVe Architecture) system. Six benchmarks have been used for this purpose, two from each category, namely single message transfer, parallel transfer and collective communication, as described for the PMB (Pallas MPI Benchmarks). The benchmarks used are PingPong, PingPing, SendReceive, Exchange, Barrier synchronization and AllToAll personalized exchange. The main significance of this work lies in the evaluation of an implementation of system-wide support for memory-to-memory and memory-to-host communication via a parcel buffer (used as a network interface). Another remarkable feature of this evaluation lies in presenting an optimal algorithm for Barrier synchronization and an optimal algorithm, with full channel utilization, for AllToAll personalized exchange for the bi-directional ring configuration of up to 8 DIVA PIMs in the memory system of a Hewlett-Packard's zx6000 server. The algorithms presented can be scaled for higher number of PIM chips with a little degradation in performance over the optimal solution. Our analysis shows that the currently employed communication mechanism can be used very efficiently for collective communication operations, and it also exposes the bottlenecks in the current design for future improvements.