SHR provided primary human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells and excised lungs. KO and FBA provided human control lung sections. LBT, ACB, SS, FJM, SMH, DSC, and NIHCAC provided COVID-19 autopsy lung sections. TK, TA, and PH reviewed these sections. CEE, MRC and ABB performed in vitro SARS-CoV-2 infection to HBE cell cultures and virus titering. HD and YM contributed to bioinformatic and statistical analysis. RCG performed RNA in situ hybridization. LS performed western blotting. TK, TA and YM quantified the images. TK and TA performed all the other experiments. CE provided mouse anti-MUC5B antibody. GDC supervised the GeoMx assays. GC and WKO provided guidance and feedback to the overall work. WKO, SHR, RSB, and RCB designed and supervised the project. TK and TA drafted the