Noise, or uncertainty in biochemical networks, has become
an important
aspect of many biological problems. Noise can arise and propagate
from external factors and probabilistic chemical reactions occurring
in small cellular compartments. For species survival, it is important
to regulate such uncertainties in executing vital cell functions.
Regulated noise can improve adaptability, whereas uncontrolled noise
can cause diseases. Simulation can provide a detailed analysis of
uncertainties, but parameters such as rate constants and initial conditions
are usually unknown. A general understanding of noise dynamics from
the perspective of network structure is highly desirable. In this
study, we extended the previously developed law of localization for
characterizing noise in terms of (co)variances and developed noise
localization theory. With linear noise approximation, we can expand
a biochemical network into an extended set of differential equations
representing a fictitious network for pseudo-components consisting
of variances and covariances, together with chemical species. Through
localization analysis, perturbation responses at the steady state
of pseudo-components can be summarized into a sensitivity matrix that
only requires knowledge of network topology. Our work allows identification
of buffering structures at the level of species, variances, and covariances
and can provide insights into noise flow under non-steady-state conditions
in the form of a pseudo-chemical reaction. We tested noise localization
in various systems, and here we discuss its implications and potential
applications. Results show that this theory is potentially applicable
in discriminating models, scanning network topologies with interesting
noise behavior, and designing and perturbing networks with the desired